Frequently asked question

Feature Section

What is partner?
Partner is a person or a company that have business relationship with your store. A partner can be either a customer, supplier or can also become both rules.

What is Point of Sales (P.O.S)?
P.O.S is a feature than can be used as a cash type customer. P.O.S feature can be also be operated using any touch screen display and printed on most printer model.

What is Dual Mode View?
Dual Mode View is a seperate view for Inner and Outer invoices for easier management. Dual Mode View is only availabe on Premium license and can be customized on each staff preferences.

What is Inner and Outer?
Inner and Outer is one of filtering used on any Customer order, return and shipment invoice. Inner is for all Customer that reside on the same city with your company. Whereas Outer is for all customer that reside on different city with your company.

What is Task?
Task is a feature to notify one staff to another staff for some task to do. Each staff can communicate easier and see the progress update of the particular task.

What is Trip report?
Trip report can be used as a reference document for your sales marketing staff when on business travel. Sales Marketing Staff can easily aware for any customer invoice the bring on the business travel.

What is Customer Group?
Customer group can be used for creating a different invoice numbering format. This can make your company easily distinct any specific or special customer that need a different invoice numbering.

What is Category?
Category can be used for categorizing any item on your company.

What is Sales on Partner Detail?
Sales on specific partner can be used if particular partner is belong to specific sales marketing staff.

If you have any inquiry about, please do not hestite to contact us.